Thursday, August 29, 2013

Home Hall of Shame Confessions

Confession time… I looked with great interest at a little slide show on MSN real estate's website aptly called the "Real-estate hall of shame: Deplorable design features."

Sadly, out of the 10 Hall of Shame items, I either currently have or have lived in homes with at least four (perhaps five) of the offensive items. (I'm a little fuzzy on the shag carpet thing.)

At the time, though, the items listed were the cat's meow. (And, if I have to explain the cat's meow… then I probably have to explain avocado and gold colored appliances to you as well.)

At least, though, I can proudly say that my current home only contains 1.5 shameful items. I have a sliding shower door in my guest bathroom, but the door is glass. Thus, the .5.

Sadly, I have the dreaded popcorn ceiling throughout my home. It'd like to remove it, but my arms never quite recovered after helping my daughter eliminate those unsightly bumps in her home.

I know I'll have to eventually deal with it especially if I ever decide to sell my house.

Until then, the scraping tools will remain in the garage until I can no longer bear the shame of it all.

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