Friday, August 23, 2013

Welcome Home!

Welcome to my newest blog that chronicles my latest (ad)venture--real estate. 

For 27 years, I was a public education school teacher and many of you followed me at my other blogging site ( which I still use to muse about all things educational. A while back, I discovered I have a gajillion words just rattling around in my brain waiting to pop into the bubble above my head. My blogs seem to provide a good home for those words to go. I hope you agree.

This particular blog as well as my website,, is meant to be interactive. I hope you send your real estate questions either to the website or here. The questions & answers from the website will be archived here.

You can also find askthehome diva on Facebook. If you haven't liked the page, I would definitely appreciate a thumbs up!

(Ad)ventures are always more fun when you have more people so tell your friends and family and come follow along!

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